
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Solar Power - The Powerful Power Source

Solar power is the most abundant form of renewable energy available in the Philippines.  However, the market for solar power products in the country remains small.  The cost of converting to solar power is still too expensive that most people could not afford it. 

Solar power is a clean and pollution free energy source since it only generates energy from the heat of the sun.  It can be used to generate heat, light, hot water, electricity, and even cooling.  It is generated by collecting sunlight and converting it into another form of energy called electricity. This process is done by using solar panels, which are big flat panels made by putting together individual solar cells.  Sunlight can be converted directly into electricity using photovoltaic (PV) connected to a battery system.  The batteries are charged by the PV which receives the sunlight.  The battery system is then connected to an inverter which converts the electricity wattage so you can plug and power your appliances.  Another way is by converting sunlight indirectly with concentrating solar power (CSP), which normally focuses the sun's energy to boil water.

Solar power is fast becoming the solution for many businesses and homeowners who want to manage the increasing cost of electricity.  In the Philippines, solar panels are often used to power towns beyond the reach of commercially available electricity.  Global warming, the increasing cost and demand for electricity are just some of the many factors that make alternative energy such as solar power become popular.  In countries such as the Australia, the government has taken steps to start converting their country to the use of alternative energy such as solar power.  Funds for the program were allocated which is a great thing because it does not only help in saving the environment but also it creates a market for alternative energy producers as well as jobs for their countrymen.  I do hope that under the new administration, the Philippine government will be the next to take steps to create such a great project to help the environment and its people in living a greener country.

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